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FREE SPIRIT MEDIA's Website Priorities:

  • Youth-produced content is centered and highlighted as the key driving feature of the website.

  • Website can serve as a professional portfolio for participants past and present to revisit their work and reference their achievements

  • Supporters can easily find and use tools for contributing to Free Spirit Media, and sharing what we do, our mission, and our content with their networks.

  • FSM brand alignment is evident across programs, but distinct portals allow each program to express individuality in tone and focus

  • Community members have built-in opportunities for engagement, and are moved to action around the themes of the work and their involvement with FSM

  • FSM Staff can manage their program's content and integrate contributing to FSM's web presence into curriculum.

  • Interactive tools support organizational development efforts for leveraging donations, sponsorship, events, and merchandise to support the sustainability of our programs.

The original design of this website was created in 2017 by Engagement and Digital Communications Coordinator Bria Royal to be an iterative, user-centered platform based on design principles rooted in Social & Behavioral Sciences, Arts, Computer Science, and Engineering.